press reviews
ICON Magazine (UK), World of Madelon Vriesendorp, AA Exhibition, January 2008 – Emily King
ART Magazine (UK), Madelon Vriesendorp, Aedes Berlin, April 2008 – Kito Nedo
Architects Journal (UK), Postmodernism post-mortem, Postmodernism Exhibition, October 2011 – Joseph Rykwert
Domus Magazine (Italy), Room For Thought: Madelon and Charlie, Lucy Mackintosh Lausanne, November 2010 – Federico Nicolao
Financial Times (UK), Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970-90, V & A Museum, September 2011 – Edwin Heathcote
Art Review (USA), Misconceptual Art: WMV, AA Exhibition, January 2008 – James Westcott
Building Design (UK), Madelon Vriesendorp’s Magic Toyshop, AA Exhibition, January 2008 – Kester Rattenbury
architese (Swiss), Surrealistische Konfigurationen, The World of MV, AA London, No.3 2008 – Bettina Schurkamp
frieze (UK), Madelon Vriesendorp, The World of MV, AA London, No.114 April 2008 – Sam Thorne
Architect (USA), Stop Frame, The World of MV, AA London, May 2008 – Eve Kah
Viz Magazine (UK), No.1 December 1978 – Peter Cook
Basler Zeitng (Swiss), Die Liebesspiele von Wolkenkratzern (‘The Love Act of Skyscapers’), World of MV Architekturmuseum Basel, January 2009 – Manuel Joss
Berliner Zeitung (Germany), Hochhäuser beim Liebesakt (‘Skyscrapers Making Love’), Aedes Berlin, March 2008 – Kito Neto
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), Du bist das verrückte Ding (‘You are the Crazy Thing’), Aedes Berlin, 2008 – Niklas Maak
Financial Times (UK), One of the Best Artists You’ve Never Heard Of, World of MV, AA London, January 2008 – Edwin Heathcote
New York Times (USA), Guggenheim Unveils Surrealist City Views, Guggenheim Museum New York, 1978 – Paul Goldberger
D’Architectures (France), Secrets de famille, The World of MV, AA Exhibition and Lucy Mackintosh Gallery Lausanne, November 2010 – Françoise Fromonot
Le Temps (Swiss), Regards Sur le Fêlures du Monde (‘Looks at the cracks of the world’), The World of M,V Lucy Mackintosh Gallery Lausanne, October 2010 – Lorette Coen
Timeout London (UK), Skyscraper, Kate MacGarry London, September 2009 – JJ Charlesworth
architese (Swiss), Surrealistische Konfigurationen, The World of MV, AA London, No.3 2008 – Bettina Schurkamp
frieze (UK), Madelon Vriesendorp, The World of MV, AA London, No.114 April 2008 – Sam Thorne
La Nación (Argentina), Una Artista Que da Vida a Los Emblemas Urbanos (An Artist Who Gives Life to Urban Emblems), The World of M,V Lucy Mackintosh Gallery Lausanne, September 2010 – Juana Libedinsky
Architect (USA), Stop Frame, May 2008 – Eve Kahn
032c (Germany), Haus der Kunst (House of Art), The World of MV: AA London and Aedes Berlin, September 2008 – Victoria Camblin
Arts Review (UK), Serpentine Gallery Prints, April 1972 – Pat Gilmour
Biennale (Italy), Making Worlds Exhibition, Exhibition Literature, 53. 2009
Ithaca Journal (USA), May 1973 – Jack Sherman
Freibeuter (Germany), Manhattan – Leben und Architektur in Metropolis, No.2 1980
scanned reviews